


6 Months



Course Overview

1. Introduction to Web Development

  • Detailed Overview of Each Technology: Explain the role of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js in the stack.
  • Development Tools: Introduction to essential tools like Postman for API testing, Visual Studio Code as an IDE, and Chrome DevTools for debugging.

2. Frontend Development with React

  •  Advanced React Concepts: Hooks (useState, useEffect, custom hooks), Context API for state management, and error boundaries.
  • React Performance Optimization: Techniques like lazy loading, memoization, and virtualization.
  • Styling in React: CSS-in-JS libraries like Styled Components, Tailwind CSS integration.
  •  Testing: Introduction to testing libraries such as Jest and React Testing Library.

3. Backend Development with Node.js and Express.js

  •  Advanced Express.js Features: Deep dive into advanced middleware, template engines, and best practices for structuring your project.
  • Building Real-time Applications: Using for WebSocket communication.
  • Security: JWT for authentication, understanding OAuth, securing REST APIs, and preventing common security threats (OWASP top 10).

4. Database Management with MongoDB

  • Advanced MongoDB Techniques: Indexing for performance optimization, transactions for handling complex operations.
  • Database Design: Best practices in schema design with Mongoose, relationship management between documents.
  • Security and Performance: Database security practices, monitoring, and optimization techniques.

5. Full-Stack Development Concepts

  • Microservices Architecture: Introduction to building scalable applications with microservices using the MERN stack.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: Basics of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment using tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions.
  • Docker and Kubernetes: Basics of containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes for deployment.

6. Project-Based Learning

  •  Detailed Project Requirements: For each project, provide detailed requirements, user stories, and expected outcomes
  • Code Review and Collaboration: Teach students how to use GitHub for collaboration, including branching, pull requests, and code reviews.
  • Deployment and Monitoring: Guide on deploying projects to cloud platforms like Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean and monitoring their performance.

7. Career Development and Industry Preparedness

  •  Portfolio Development: Guidance on selecting projects for a portfolio, how to present them, and what information to include.
  • Freelancing and Remote Work: Strategies for finding freelance work, setting rates, and managing projects.
  • Technical Interviews: Deep dive into the technical interview process, including coding challenges, system design interviews, and soft skill assessments.
  • Networking: Importance of networking, using LinkedIn effectively, and attending industry conferences or meetups.

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